It seems the Mayans got it wrong, and the end of the world is not going to happen. With the new year rapidly approaching, it’s an appropriate time to reflect on 2012. Read on to follow my photographic highlights this year in remote North-Western Australia.
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Karijini National Park – Bushwalking in the Pilbara, Western Australia
Karijini National Park is a rare gem located in the remote Pilbara mining region of Western Australia. The Pilbara is a barren, scorched land, a harsh place reputed for hard work and hard living. Driving into Karijini, the park almost seems out of place. Suddenly, the pancake-flat land gives way to the rolling Hamersley ranges. Gorges are carved, knife-like, into the earth. Water is flowing. It’s not the most famous National Park, but for me it’s one of Australia’s most beautiful. [Read more…]
Welcome to the new website!
I’m pleased to launch a complete redesign of the website. I started ‘on the wild road’ in 2010 on the Pixelpost photoblogging platform. It’s a great way to showcase photography – custom built for the purpose. Unfortunately, the software hadn’t been updated since 2009, and this continues today – an eternity in the world of IT.
I’ve wanted to jump ship for some a while, but never had time to rebuild the site. Now I’ve settled on WordPress as a content management system. It’s super easy to update, and to paraphrase an Apple lover – ‘there’s a plugin for that!’. I’m amazed at all the code that lies under the hood. The fact I can arm wrestle it into submission to do most things, with absolutely no IT/coding background, is brilliant.
As WordPress powers 20% of websites on the Internet, I’m confident it’s here to stay. Please feel free to let me know if there are any problems with the new design!
Reimagination: Evolution of the post processing workflow
Recently I have been sifting through my archive of RAW files. Looking back through trips undertaken years ago is a somewhat nostalgic experience. Some unprocessed photos taken with my old camera caught my eye. I couldn’t remember why they were passed over the first time, maybe due to technical deficiencies such as poor exposure or flare. Perhaps they were ugly ducklings overlooked in favour of more impressive pictures from the same shoot. I put some through my current post processing workflow and was pleased with the results – you can see examples here and here. [Read more…]
How to use Polarizers, Photography Filter Tutorial
In the age of digital photography, the use of creative filters has somewhat diminished as many of the desired effects can now be duplicated in photoshop. However one filter that has not been made redundant by the digital darkroom is the polarizing filter.
A polarizer is often the first filter recommended to a new photographer who is interested in taking up landscape photography. It’s a versatile tool that can add punch to almost any landscape scene, and some professional photographers even leave them permanently attached to their lenses.
There are quite a few articles around describing the effect on an image that polarizers may have, however the best way to make effective use of your photographic tools is to have a grasp on how they work. Hopefully this guide will give some insight into the optics and application of this filter. By the end of this tutorial you’ll understand why this is one of the few photographic filters that cannot be duplicated in photoshop. [Read more…]